UPDATE: Sunday October 13 2:47 PM ADT. BRUNI WINS 3-2

Finals: First to Three

Yellow denotes a win.

Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Flight 5
Bruni Ainslie Bruni Ainslie Bruni
vs vs vs vs vs
Ainslie Bruni Ainslie Bruni Ainslie

Petite finals: First to Two

Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3
Minoprio Canfield Minprio
vs vs vs
Canfield Minprio Canfield

Semi-finals: First to Three

Yellow denotes a win.

Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Flight 5
Minoprio Ainslie Minoprio Ainslie Minoprio
vs vs vs vs vs
Ainslie Minoprio Ainslie Minoprio Ainslie
Canfield Bruni Canfield Bruni Canfield
vs vs vs vs vs
Bruni Canfield Bruni Canfield Bruni


Places 5 - 8

5. Ian Williams 6. Phil Robertson 7. Bjorn Hansen 8. Keith Swinton


Quarterfinals - Friday Octrober 11: First to three

Through to the semi-finals: Bruni, Canfield, Ainslie, Minoprio. Quarterfinals have finished.

Yellow denotes a win.

Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Flight 5
Canfield Williams Canfield Williams Canfield
vs vs vs vs vs
Williams Canfield Williams Canfield Williams
Robertson Bruni Robertson Bruni Robertson
vs vs vs vs vs
Bruni Robertson Bruni Robertson Bruni
Swinton Minoprio Swinton Minoprio Swinton
vs vs vs vs vs
Minoprio Swinton Minoprio Swinton Minoprio
Hansen Ainslie Hansen Ainslie Hansen
vs vs vs vs vs
Ainslie Hansen Ainslie Hansen Ainslie


Qualifying Rounds: Concluded on Thursday October 10

Group 1

  Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Match 4
Flight 1 Canfield vs Stanczyk Swinton vs Fraser Ferrarese vs Minoprio Poole vs Bruni
Flight 2 Fraser vs Ferrarese Poole vs Stanczyk Monnin vs Minoprio Berntsson vs Canfield
Flight 3 Bruni vs Canfield Ferrarese vs Swinton Stanczyk vs Berntsson Fraser vs Monnin
Flight 4 Bruni vs Berntsson Monnin vs Swinton Canfield vs Poole Minoprio vs Fraser
Flight 5 Swinton vs Minoprio Poole vs Berntsson Monnin vs Ferrarese Stanczyk vs Bruni
Flight 6 Berntsson vs Minoprio Poole vs Monnin Fraser vs Stanczyk Ferrarese vs Canfield
Flight 7 Canfield vs Fraser Stanczyk vs Swinton Poole vs Ferrarese Monnin vs Bruni
Flight 8 Swinton vs Poole Bruni vs Minoprio Berntsson vs Fraser Canfield vs Monnin
Flight 9 Minoprio vs Stanczyk Ferrarese vs Berntsson Fraser vs Bruni Swinton vs Canfield
Flight 10 Fraser vs Poole Stanczyk vs Monnin Ferrarese vs Bruni Berntsson vs Swinton
Flight 11 Stanczyk vs Ferrarese Monnin vs Berntsson Bruni vs Swinton Minoprio vs Poole
Flight 12 Minoprio vs Canfield                  

Group 2

  Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Match 4
Flight 1 Ainslie vs Hansen Williams vs Tiller Robertson vs Greenslade Steele vs Morvan
Flight 2 Greenslade vs Ainslie Steele vs Tiller Sehested vs Hansen Richard vs Williams
Flight 3 Ainslie vs Robertson Morvan vs Williams TIller vs Richard Greenslade vs Sehested
Flight 4 Morvan vs Richard Sehested vs Robertson Williams vs Steele Hansen vs Greenslade
Flight 5 Steele vs Richard Robertson vs Hansen Sehested vs Ainslie Tiller vs Morvan
Flight 6 Ainslie vs Williams Richard vs Hansen Steele vs Sehested Greenslade vs Tiller
Flight 7 Williams vs Greenslade Tiller vs Robertson Steele vs Ainslie Sehested vs Morvan
Flight 8 Robertson vs Steele Morvan vs Hansen Richard vs Greenslade Williams vs Sehested
Flight 9 Hansen vs Tiller Ainslie vs Richard Greenslade vs Morvan Robertson vs Williams
Flight 10 Greenslade vs Steele Tiller vs Sehested Ainslie vs Morvan Richard vs Robertson
Flight 11 Tiller vs Ainslie Sehested vs Richard Morvan vs Robertson Hansen vs Steele
Flight 12 Hansen vs Williams